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Sunday Meeting

Sunday Morning Meetings 10am - 11:30am

9 Endeavour Avenue, Margate

Gospel Communities

As well as our big ‘church family’ meeting on Sunday morning, we also have several, small group meetings during the week. At One Way we call our small groups Gospel Communities because they are where we get to grow deeper relationships that are shaped by the good news of Jesus Christ. Gospel Communities are more than a weekly Bible Study – we share meals, we share life, we share activities, joys and struggles. Our Gospel Communities are places for the whole family, where each person can be encouraged to grow in faith, maturity and love. We strongly encourage all our members to belong to a Gospel Community. If you would like to know more, or would like to join a Gospel Community please speak to any of our leaders.

Maturity ministries

The Bible constantly urges us to grow in our Christian faith and practice, and so we provide a variety of Maturity Ministries

For Men

Leadership Training

This ministry aims to grow our men in all aspects of Christian leadership. From leading their own family, leading a small group, leading a ministry team, leading a practical project, leading a one-off event, or leading in teaching. The format for Leadership Training is centred on Biblical teaching and principles with lots of discussion, application, honesty and prayer.

Men’s Camp

Once a year our men go away overnight to Bruny Island. They focus on digging deeper into a particular topic, and have space and time to reflect, share and re-commit to being the man God wants them to be. They also get to enjoy some great food and beer!

For Women

One Way women have a variety of opportunities to receive further Bible teaching by women and for women.

Soul Food

Soul Food is One Way’s winter women’s programme run jointly with our sisters from Snug Christian Church. Usually held monthly on a Friday night through the cold and dark months of winter, these meetings aim to refresh you in your walk with God

Women’s Retreat

We recognise that it can be difficult for women (especially mums with young children) to get away from family life in order to be nourished from God’s word, but we encourage those who can to take one full day out to immerse themselves in the bible and good teaching at our Women’s Retreat.

In addition, we aim to provide two other local women’s events each year.

We are also linked to Tasmanian Women’s Bible Conference and encourage One Way women to benefit from all of their conference and ‘one off’ events.

For Children

One Way is a family of families, so our children are also valuable members of our church. Our younger children are catered for during Sunday meetings in a variety of age appropriate formats.


Creche operates for children ages 0 – 3yrs in our Creche Room at the back of the church building. You can be assured that our teams work hard to provide a safe, age appropriate environment, where your children will have fun and be encouraged to discover Jesus and who they are in Him.

Kids Church Focus

Focus is for children from Kinder to Grade 3 where they will have a wonderful time learning about God’s great love for them. Our volunteer leaders will encourage your children with small group experiences as they learn from the bible, make friends, pray for one another (their families and the world) and participate in practical activities that reinforce the lesson for the week.

Older Children

Older children who stay in during the sermon part of the meeting are encouraged to actively listen for the “BIG IDEA” of the message. They are provided with sermon “worksheets” and pens/pencils so they can take notes if they find this helpful.

At One Way we take child safety seriously. All our volunteers have completed a mandatory child safe program, have been screened with an interview and undergone background checks so you can be confident your children are safe and well cared for.

© 2025 One Way Christian Church

Website Maintained by New Front Door